sound artist handpan school

The Community for Engaging Handpan Ensembles and Workshops

Embark on a musical journey with our handpan group lessons, where you'll collaborate in handpan ensembles and workshops to elevate your skills and creativity.

long island, new york

Collaborative Handpan Music Making

Sound Artist's group handpan lessons offer you a dynamic and enriching learning experience that fosters collaboration, creativity, and camaraderie among participants.

In our programs and workshops, you'll find a supportive environment where you can interact, share ideas, and inspire each other's musical growth.

With ensemble playing as a key component, you'll develop essential skills such as listening, timing, and teamwork.

Through our group handpan lessons, you will not only improve your musical abilities but also forge lasting friendships and a sense of belonging within a community of like-minded individuals.

Why Join A Group Ensemble or Online Cohort?

Fun and Enjoyment

Discover the joy of playing handpan music in a supportive and encouraging environment.

Confidence Building

Gain confidence in expressing yourself musically and sharing your unique voice with others.

Individual Attention

Receive personalized support and guidance, ensuring your success in group classes.

Transform the way you experience music.