Handpan 101 workshop

Introduction to the Handpan

Upcoming Dates

Program Dates: Tuesdays at 6 - 7:30 pm, April 9th - June 4th (No Session 5/21)

Handpan 101 workshop

Introduction to the Handpan
Handpan 101 Workshop is a 2 hour workshop designed to guide people who are playing and experiencing the handpan for the first time. This workshop will teach the origin and history of the instrument, how to get a good sound, and how to begin to explore basic patterns and improvisation. 
The workshop will be expertly presented by music educator and handpan artist Prana Rising who has presented more then 25 introduction to the handpan workshops.

Why Join the Handpan 101 Workshop?

Fun and Enjoyment

Discover the joy of playing handpan music in a supportive and encouraging environment.

Confidence Building

Gain confidence in expressing yourself musically and sharing your unique voice with others.

Individual Attention

Receive personalized support and guidance through weekly private sessions, ensuring your success in group classes.

Feel the Rhythm, Share the Joy!

Come join us in a space for everyone to discover the joy of playing the handpan.

Transform the way you experience music.